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Protests against powerful group persist in Syria's last major rebel stronghold

IDLIB, Syria (AP) — Members of Syria’s most powerful insurgent group in the country’s rebel-held northwest fired bullets in the air and beat up protesters with clubs Friday, injuring some of them as weekslong protests demanding the release of detainees and an end to the group’s rule intensified.

Protests took place Friday in several areas, including the provincial capital of Idlib and major towns such as Jisr al-Shughour, Binnish and Sarmada. They came days after Abu Mohammed al-Golani, the leader of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, or HTS, warned dignitaries in Idlib province to convince people to stop protesting, describing the demonstrators as anarchists.

The protests, which called for the downfall of al-Golani, broke out in late February following the death of a member of a rebel faction, allegedly while being tortured in a jail run by HTS, which previously had links to al-Qaida.
